Foot Mouth Disease FMD
In 2022, an outbreak of FMD was reported in cattle in Indonesia and the response is ongoing. The outbreak has spread to Bali, bringing the disease the closest it has been to Australia.
It is critical that all livestock owners know the signs of FMD and check their animals regularly.
If you suspect FMD in any animal in SA, report it immediately to the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline.
For all up to date information visit the PIRSA Site here
Avian influenza (HPAI)
Movement restrictions
• Victoria and NSW have implemented Control and Restricted Areas to help contain and eradicate the virus.
• In Victoria, these restrictions do not allow poultry, poultry products, poultry transport vehicles and associated equipment to be moved without a permit.
• South Australia has introduced movement restrictions and conditions for live poultry and fertile eggs from Victoria. The conditions don’t apply to eggs sold for human consumption, or chicken meat and poultry products.
• Tasmania has a 100% inspection rate on imported live birds at all points of entry.
• Before sending poultry meat and products, including eggs, interstate, check whether your state or territory has applied movement restrictions.
You can also visit www.outbreak.gov.au for major updates.
This site also has comprehensive information about avian influenza and how to protect your birds.
Livestock producers are reminded to report any sick or dead birds as a priority to the 24 hour Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888.
Key facts
• Avian influenza is a serious disease of poultry and occurs worldwide.
• Avian influenza virus strains are usually classified into two categories according to the severity of disease in poultry:
• High pathogenicity strains can cause severe clinical signs and potentially high death rates among poultry.
• Low pathogenicity strains typically cause fewer or reduced clinical signs in comparison.
• Chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl, quail, pheasants, emus, and ostriches are susceptible to avian influenza. Many species of wild birds, including waterfowl and seabirds, can carry the virus.
• The virus is mostly spread by wild birds, particularly ducks, contaminating food or water supplies. For this reason, the disease remains a constant biosecurity threat.
• Avian influenza can also be spread by the movement of eggs, birds, people, vehicles, and equipment between farms, and by clothing, footwear, aerosols, water, feed, litter, biting insects and vermin.
• Eggs and chicken meat are safe to eat provided they are handled and cooked according to standard food handling practices.