National Water Agreement
The new National Water Agreement (NWA) will build on the strengths of the NWI to address current and future water challenges. The new National Water Agreement will seek to ensure sustainable water planning in a changing climate and strengthen influence for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in water management while maintaining the strong water access rights currently in place.
Murray Darling Basin Plan
MDB Water Sub Committee
This committee will work together to bring united direction in policy and strategy for the dairy industry in the future negotiations regarding the Murray Darling Basin Plan and development in the Basin.
The ADIC Board at its meeting held 3 November 2022 has agreed to suspend the ADIC water taskforce and support the establishment of a Dairy Industry Water Technical Reference Group. This will provide the fact based, technical and advisory input into water policy development across all water resources.
Water Allocation Plan
Water allocation plans
A water allocation plan is a legal document that sets out the rules for managing the take and use of prescribed water resources to ensure they are used sustainably. Water allocation plans are developed in consultation with community members, First Nations, industry and key stakeholders for each water resource identified as being significant, or ‘prescribed’, under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019.
The Eastern and Western Mount Lofty Ranges WAP and the Limestone Coast WAP are currently under review.