Let’s take the ‘query’ out of Q fever
Q fever is very much in the news these days due to recent outbreaks nationally and internationally. Thanks to the efforts of various regional agricultural groups and other sectors, there has been a lot of interest regarding this condition and different methods on how to control the disease.
I am working on a national survey across Australia for beef and dairy farmers to assess levels of knowledge regarding this disease. This is study is part of my Masters in Veterinary Public Health training with The University of Sydney and will help set up the foundation for understanding how this disease occurs across the country and how our producers protect themselves. Currently as it stands, there have been no national studies to look at the status of Q fever amongst beef and dairy farmers.
Completing the survey should take you no longer than 20min and we are giving away an iPad to one lucky respondent.
A little bit about myself – I am a 2011 UQ veterinary graduate who has worked in New Zealand in dairy practice and a couple of years in Sydney as a shelter vet and a field veterinarian with Local Land Services, NSW. I have recently started as a veterinary officer with Biosecurity Queensland.
I would encourage as many producers and workers in the beef and dairy sector to fill in this questionnaire. The data from this study will help us identify new areas for study and assist us in developing material for producers.
You can access the survey here. Feel free to distribute this link to other farmers and producers you may know.